Friday, April 4, 2008

How Badly Do You Want to Get Rid of Your Wrinkles?

A new study indicates that Botox, the ever-popular anti-wrinkle treatment, may actually migrate from a recipient’s face to their brain. As you have no doubt heard, Botox is made with botulism toxin. Botulism toxin is one of the world’s most poisonous substances and can cause paralysis, respiratory failure and death.

The study, published in the latest issue of the Journal of Neuroscience, was released only weeks after the FDA announced that it was beginning a safety review of Botox and other similar drugs.

Is a wrinkle free face worth it if you have to risk a brain full of botulism? We know you want to look good in front of a jury, but we hope you consider learning to love your wrinkles. It may just save your life.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Are Juries Becoming More Comfortable Awarding Large Sums in Cases Against Police Agencies?

A Kentucky jury recently returned a $5.14 million verdict in favor of a man whose wife and daughter were killed in a car accident. The jury determined the amount based on medical bills, pain and suffering, lost future earnings and loss of companionship.

What makes this case interesting is that the defendant was an on-duty Deputy Sheriff. The Deputy Sheriff was driving at 90-95 miles an hour in a 45MPH zone. The jury placed 70 percent of the liability on the Deputy Sheriff and 30 percent of the liability on a third party who pulled out into the path of the Deputy Sheriff.

This case illustrates a growing trend in cases against police agencies for injuries and wrongful death caused by collisions with police cars. Juries have recently become more comfortable returning large verdicts against police agencies.

Is it Necessary (or even helpful) to Attend a "Top 14" to become a Successful Plaintiff's Attorney?

There is little dispute that those who would like to become corporate attorneys on Wall Street should attend the highest ranked law school possible. But, what about those who aspire to other areas of the law? There is ample evidence that it is not necessary to receive a degree from a "Top 14" to become a successful plaintiff's attorney. Some may even argue that the lower ranked schools produce better plaintiff's attorneys. What do you think?

Discuss in the comments and vote to the right.

Daily Mail Call

As a service to our student (or recently student) readers, we will begin a daily mail call in which you may discuss law school applications and decisions, bar examination results and interview/hiring news.

Post your results, ask your questions . . . and feel free to rant.

To leave a comment, click the "comments" link below. The link above is not working because we are currently transitioning to our permanent home:

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Cell Phone Danger Update

It was brought to our attention that the study discussing the possible connection between cell phone use and cancer is not the only recent study linking the mobile phone industry to health risks. Another new study suggests that cell phone use may cause male infertility. The study's lead author, Ashok Agarwal, admits however that the data is "quite preliminary."

Agarwal's team studied 361 men under age 40 who were being evaluated for infertility. The scientists divided the patients into four groups, based on how long they said they talked on a cell phone each day. Then they analyzed the men's semen and found a strong association between length of time spent on a cell phone and sperm count and quality. Those who talked more than four hours a day had lower counts as well as more poor "swimmers" and abnormally formed sperm. Agarwal believes that the results may be due to the heat generated by cell phones.

If a head-set is the answer to avoiding cancer, how do we avoid infertility? Although we are in no way qualified to give medical advice, we suggest metal underwear.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Are Cell Phones the New Cigarettes?

It is often speculated that cell phones are dangerous. Most of us ignore such rumors and many of us can't imagine life with out a cell phone and Blackberry. New research, however, may force us to re-think our stance on the issue.

An award winning cancer researcher and neurologist, Dr. Vini Khurana, just released a study in which he concludes that cell phones may eventually kill more people than smoking or asbestos. Dr. Khurana believes that people should avoid using cell phones wherever possible and that governments and the cell phone industry must take "immediate steps" to reduce exposure to cell phone radiation.

We will have to wait and see whether this new study has any impact on the cell phone industry or cell phone use and whether this will lead to tobacco-industry like litigation. Until then, we have decided to use a head-set.

Largest Asbestos-Related Verdict Ever

A jury in San Francisco, CA has ordered Georgia Pacific Corp. ("Georgia Pacific"), an asbestos manufacturer, to pay over $7 million in damages. This is the largest asbestos-related verdict ever.

The jury determined that Georgia Pacific exposed former actress and singer, Joan Mahoney, to asbestos which caused her to develop mesothelioma. The exposure apparently occured while Mahoney was working in a home-remodeling business with her husband, Daniel Mahoney.

The jury found that Joan and Daniel Mahoney's have or will suffer damages amounting to $20 million and assigned 30 percent of the responsibility to Georgia Pacific, the only defendant in the trial.

Georgia Pacific believes that it is unlikely their product is reposible for Mahoney's injuries and will appeal the verdict.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Trasylol Sales Suspended

It took nearly two years, but at the request of the Food and Drug Administration (the “FDA”) Bayer Pharmaceuticals Corp. (“Bayer”) has suspended sales of its anti-bleeding drug Trasylol. This is a victory for patients everywhere, but came too late for the estimated 22,000 patients whose lives may have been saved had Trasylol sales been suspended earlier (as estimated by a researcher on the CBS program "60 Minutes " aired on February 17, 2008).

Trayslol has been found to cause severe and sometimes life threatening damage to the heart, brain and kidneys. In January 2006, the New England Journal of Medicine published its findings on a study of 4374 heart bypass patients. 1,295 of the patients were administered Trasylol and the rest received a placebo. The study concluded that the patients who received Trasylol had significant, adverse health consequences, including the following: (1)
A greater death rate than the other patients in the study who were not given Trasylol; (2) Double the risk of kidney (renal) failure requiring dialysis; (3) 48% increase in the risk of myocardial infarction (heart attack); (4) 109% increase in the risk of heart failure; (5) 181% increase in the risk of stroke .

The study also found evidence of multi-organ damage involving the heart, brain, and kidneys. Click on the following link to read a reprint of the New England Journal of Medicine Article on the risks associated with Trasylol:

The FDA responded to the New England Journal of Medicine's study by issuing a Public Health Advisory on Trasylol. The FDA stated that it was “[a]lerting doctors who perform heart bypass surgery, and their patients, that Trasylol, a drug used to prevent blood loss during surgery, has been linked in two scientific publications to higher risks of serious side effects including kidney problems, heart attacks, and stroke in patients who undergo artery bypass graft surgery.” Click on the following link to read the Public Health Advisory Issued by the FDA:

On September 27, 2006 Bayer Pharmaceuticals told the FDA of the results of a new study, conducted by Bayer through a contract research organization, which appears to confirm the findings published in the New England Journal of Medicine. The study was based on the records of hospital data from 67,000 patients and was announced by the FDA in a Public Health Advisory the second of 2006, for the drug. On September 30, 2006, the New York Times published a piece in which it revealed that Bayer failed to disclose the outcome of its own study to the FDA in a timely manner. Bayer later admitted that it did fail to disclose the results of its study to the FDA. Click here to read Bayer's press release:

Finally, on November 7, 2007 Bayer agreed to a marketing suspension of Trasylol, pending detailed review of preliminary results from a Canadian study that suggests an increased risk for death. According to the Wall Street Journal, Bayer said its decision came in the wake of requests or orders from regulators in the U.S., Canada, Germany and other countries.