Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Are Cell Phones the New Cigarettes?

It is often speculated that cell phones are dangerous. Most of us ignore such rumors and many of us can't imagine life with out a cell phone and Blackberry. New research, however, may force us to re-think our stance on the issue.

An award winning cancer researcher and neurologist, Dr. Vini Khurana, just released a study in which he concludes that cell phones may eventually kill more people than smoking or asbestos. Dr. Khurana believes that people should avoid using cell phones wherever possible and that governments and the cell phone industry must take "immediate steps" to reduce exposure to cell phone radiation.

We will have to wait and see whether this new study has any impact on the cell phone industry or cell phone use and whether this will lead to tobacco-industry like litigation. Until then, we have decided to use a head-set.


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